

Top 10 Swimming Safety Tips

Top 10 Swimming Safety Tips

Posted by Michael Hervas on Aug 02, 2019

Swimming is a top recreational activity that everyone loves to do during summer. It is important for everyone, and most importantly the children, to know how to be safe while in the water. Do you … read more
Top 5 Swimming Pool Myths

Top 5 Swimming Pool Myths

Posted by Michael Hervas on Jun 18, 2019

Myths and fake news have diluted our society. From news to social media, information are exaggerated and turned into sensation just for the sake of ratings or getting more views, likes or shares. … read more
Easiest Way to Keep Your Swimming Pool Clean

Easiest Way to Keep Your Swimming Pool Clean

Posted by Michael Hervas on Mar 05, 2019

KEEPING YOUR POOL CLEAN Updated: February 08, 2022 Swimming pool water contains viruses, bacteria, algae, germs and a variety of other nasty things. That's why keeping swimming pool clean is … read more