

What’s the Best Pool Pump Run Schedule?

What’s the Best Pool Pump Run Schedule?

Posted by Michael Hervas on Jan 21, 2022

The actual pump run time you need will largely depend on the relative size of your pool and your pump, which varies from pool to pool. Each pool owner needs to figure it out for themselves.A good ru … read more
Using Liquid Chlorine Vs. Tablets in Swimming Pool

Using Liquid Chlorine Vs. Tablets in Swimming Pool

Posted by Michael Hervas on Apr 21, 2020

Last Updates: March 21, 2024; May 04, 2023; February 08, 2022 Keeping your swimming pool clean is no laughing matter. A pool suffering from neglect can easily harbor organisms that can make swimmi … read more
Can You Get COVID-19 in a Swimming Pool or Spa?

Can You Get COVID-19 in a Swimming Pool or Spa?

Posted by Michael Hervas on Mar 12, 2020

What is COVID-19?COVID-19 or Novel Coronavirus is a new strain of the coronavirus. This virus causes severe respiratory illnesses like colds, cough, fever, and pneumonia.How Does It Spread?You can g … read more