
The Best Ways To Keep Your Swimming Pool Water Clean!

Posted by Ken Scheer on Mar 20, 2017

Swimming Pool & Spa Water Testing Equipment

If you own a swimming pool there are numerous benefits that can be enjoyed if you keep your pool clean and free of debris. Simply put, whether you are exercising, hosting a barbecue or lounging in the pool, having one is a luxury but it is only a luxury if you know how to keep it clean. Typically, most people think brushing down the sides, the tile, skimming the surface and keeping proper chemistry is enough but it goes far beyond that. Swimming pools should be maintained at least once a week to keep them clean but depending on weather conditions in your area sometimes maintenance will need to occur more than that. On a weekly basis, the water tile line and sides of the swimming pool should be brushed to prevent the buildup of calcium and dirt/debris. Debris should also be skimmed out of the swimming pool as soon as possible as it can change the chemistry in the swimming pool and could cause an increase in chlorine usage. After a storm, skimmer baskets should be emptied to allow proper water flow to the filtration equipment.

One major benefit to have in your swimming pool is an automatic swimming pool cleaner. Pool cleaners can remove debris from the bottom of the swimming pool and drastically reduce the amount of work that you need to do. Regularly check all equipment for leaks because this can not only waste water but it can also cause poor filtration which can lead to inadequate movement of water and the possibility of algae growth. Typically it’s recommended to filter your swimming pool for 4-6 hours during the winter time and anywhere from 8-12 hours during the summer time to keep adequate movement of water.

On top of all this, keeping adequate amounts of chlorine in the swimming pool, monitoring your pH and keeping your CYA levels within a normal range is also essential for keeping your swimming pool clean and the water clear and free of contaminants. Balancing your swimming pool or spa chemicals is important in keeping your waters healthy and swimmers safe. We highly recommend using drop test kits for accuracy as well as these other quality kits >> (PST Recommended Pool Water Test Kits). Depending on where you live, you are also going to need to consider calcium hardness and total dissolved solids (TDS) as well. If you have the ability to have your water tested, it should be changed out when calcium levels climb above 600 parts per million (ppm) and when TDS levels are above 3,000 ppm. This can prevent calcium and other hardness minerals from scaling the water tile line, staining your interior finish, ruining filtration equipment and causing other chemistry issues as well.