DIY Underwater Repair Using Epoxy Putty for Swimming Pools

DIY Underwater Repair Using Epoxy Putty for Swimming Pools

Underwater Epoxy Putty - AquaMend

Do you need to make minor repairs to your swimming pool? Are you struggling with small cracks, drips, and other issues that require your attention? Now you can do it yourself with Aquamend underwater epoxy putty for swimming pools. With Aquamend you can repair cracks on your swimming pool, spa or hot tub easy using underwater epoxy putty for swimming pools. You can eliminate drips and runs with no special tools required making it easy for everyone!

Benefits of Aquamend underwater putty for pools

  • Can be used underwater
  • Simple to use
  • No tools required
  • No mess application that eliminates drips and runs
  • It can be drilled, sawed, filed, tapped and painted one hour after application

Applications for Aquamend epoxy putty for swimming pools

  • Repairs cracks in spas, pools and hot tubs
  • Patches scratches and gouges in fiberglass and metal
  • Seals leaks
  • Repairs loose or cracked tiles in your swimming pool

How to use Aquamend putty for swimming pools

  1. Clean area you want to use
  2. Cut off the amount you want to use
  3. Mix to uniform color
  4. Apply to the surface you are trying to fix within 10 minutes
  5. Let sit for 60 minutes before you do anything else with it

Over time, it is guaranteed cracks and leaks will occur in your swimming pool. Fixing them in a timely matter is extremely important to prevent more expensive fixes down the line and of course to prevent water loss. Using Aquamend is extremely user-friendly and can make what looks like a big fix much easier. If you're looking to purchase this product, our eCommerce size offers it in the following applications.

Underwater Epoxy Putty, Aquamend 2oz. Stick

Underwater Epoxy Putty, Aquamend 4oz. Stick

If you should have any questions about how to use this product, please contact us today!

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